IPFX Collaboration
IPFX Collaboration provides video and online conferencing via IPFX clients, giving users the ability to exchange ideas face to face and collaborate more effectively with colleagues & external contacts, no matter where they are.
Our easy-to-use single-click control lets users quickly ‘drag and drop’ participants from the IPFX Directory or your personal contacts into a session.
Start the collaboration session ’on the fly’, or send out calendar appointments to schedule it for a later date.
Video and Online Conferencing
IUsers can share their desktop, add video, individually control audio levels and add new participants all ‘on the fly’, once the collaboration session is started.
You can also IM each other regardless of your presence state for conversations required to check information outside of the audio conference.
This enterprise solution improves productivity, optimising interaction with integrated voice, video and web conferencing. Meeting setup and management are simple with IPFX Collaboration.
Our integrated solution can also help reduce operational and travel costs by providing on-premise voice and video conferencing facilities at a fraction of your current cost.