Resource Booking

Resource Booking
Book-it, the intelligent solution to your resource booking problems
Welcome to Book-it, your one location for a complete and hassle free meeting room and resource booking experience. Book-it allows for complete flexibility from booking your resources via familiar tools such as Outlook, on your desktop, or by using our intuitive and powerful solution to fully customise your resource booking requirements. You can do this from anywhere as the right tools are always on hand.
Powerful and customisable features allow your organisation to fully optimise the resources and attributes available, such as being able to book a disabled carpark or a six person meeting room with a coffee machine all from one solution.
Intelligent Management alows for options such as automatic meeting cancellation if a meeting has not been started within a set time frame. Meetings can be started and ended with ease. Got multiple meeting rooms? Book-it can not only show you rooms that are available, but can also show you floor layouts so your guests know where to go. These features and more ensure your organisation always has an up dated overview ensuring optimal use of your valuable room resources.