Advanced Search

Search all media items processed by your Contact Centre




Search media


  1. Drop down the ClosedSearch selector to refine search scope

  2. Enter Customer name, email address or phone number in the Search field

  3. Add keyword from interactions (e.g. email) in the Optional keywords field then press Search



  5. Identify the Closedmedia type icon


    Received call


    Placed call


    Missed call

    Outbound dialler

    Email response

    Facebook post

    Email unanswered

    Twitter message

  7. Click anywhere on the entry for details




TIP Continue interactions found in search by pressing the horizontal ellipsis at far right of a call item and selecting Dial . Email interactions contain continuation controls in the details pane.




  1. Enter a Start and End date using the Date Picker under the Date header


  3. From the Media Type check-boxes , deselect any media which aren't relevant to your search


  5. For Email search, tick Include email auto replies to include auto response


TIP Press Reset to instantly clear filter selections.